Workshops will run in parallel sections.
Bat monitoring: experience and results
- Sándor András Boldogh: Bats living in anthropogenic environment: new challenges and new tasks
- Tamás Görföl: Radiotelemetry in the monitoring of strictly protected species
- Péter Estók: The advantages and disadvantages of using the Pettersson D500 detector
- Csaba Endre Fehér: Bat research with bioacoustic and traditional methods in the Balaton Uplands National Park
- Discussion
Wildlife and conservation biology
- Vilmos Altbäcker and László Sugár: The European rabbit once, today and tomorrow?
- Nikolett Ujhegyi: Development and management possibilities of agricultural habitats ¬ the example of the European hare (Lepus europaeus)
- Ádám Fehér: Monitoring the impact of wildlife: measuring the role of high-impact game species to protect vulnerable species and habitats
- Virág Kovács: The wild boar in nature conservation: should it be protected for any reason?
- Norbert Keller: Evaluation and development possibilities of the Agri-environment Schemes (AKG) from the wildlife management perspective
- Discussion